Senin, 31 Maret 2014

Maher Zain-For the rest of my life lyric

Assalamu'alaikum! Praise and thanks be to ALLAH SWT. The Lord of the universe. It's because of His Guidance now I can share another lyric by Maher Zain! Yeah, like usual, if I have da song(the song) I would like to share. If you want it just click this word and  let's check it out!

I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You’ve found your home and sail with me
And I’m here with you
Now let me let you know
You’ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along
And there’s a couple of words I want to say

For the rest of my life
I’ll be with you
I’ll stay by your side
Honest and true
Till the end of my time
I’ll be loving you
Loving you

For the rest of my life
Through days and nights
I’ll thank Allah
For open my eyes
Now and forever I
I’ll be there for you
I know it deep in my heart

I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I asked Allah to bless all we do
You’re my wife and my friend and my strength
And I pray we’re together in Jannah

All I know I found myself
I feel so strong
Yes every thing was changed when you came along
And there’s a couple of words I want to say

For the rest of my life
I’ll be with you
I’ll stay by your side
Honest and true
Till the end of my time
I’ll be loving you
Loving you

For the rest of my life
Through days and nights
I’ll thank Allah
For open my eyes
Now and forever I
I’ll be there for you
I know it deep in my heart

Now that you’re here
In front of me
I strongly feel love(I strongly feel love)
And I have no doubt
I’m singing it loud
That I will love you eternally

For the rest of my life
I’ll be with you
I’ll stay by your side
Honest and true
Till the end of my time
I’ll be loving you
Loving you

For the rest of my life
Through days and nights
I’ll thank Allah
For open my eyes
Now and forever I
I’ll be there for you
I know it deep in my heart

Thank you for visit and sorry for the mistakes. Comment if there's many incorrect :)

Doa Rasulullah saw. untuk umatnya-Rasulullah sangat menyayangi kita

Praise and thanks be to Allah, The Lord of the universe. It's because of His Guidance I can get this and share to you all. Enjoy and I hope it'll be Barokah :) :) :)

Suatu ketika, Sayyidatuna Aisyah ra tengah duduk bersama Nabi Muhammad saw, tiba-tiba Nabi Muhammad saw mendoakan Sayyidatuna Aisyah.
Di dalam doanya, beliau mengatakan, “Ya Allah ampuni Aisyah, segala dosa-dosanya yang terdahulu, yang akan datang, yang kelihatan dan yang tidak kelihatan.”
Mendengar doa tersebut, Sayyidatuna Aisyah tertawa bahagia, hingga kepalanya menunduk sampai ke bawah karena tawanya.
"Ya, Aisyah, engkau bahagia dengan doaku?" tanya Nabi Muhammad saw. kepada istrinya yang berjuluk humaira itu.
“Ya, Rasulullah, bagaimana aku tidak bahagia. Engkau mendoakan aku dengan doa yang demikian agung?
"Demi Allah, wahai Aisyah, itu adalah doaku untuk semua ummatku setiap selesai shalat.”
Begitulah, wujud kecintaan Nabi kepada ummatnya. Setiap saat selalu mendoakan untuk kebaikan ummatnya, yang banyak berlumuran dosa. Termasuk kita.
(Sumber : Shohih Ibnu Hibban Oleh : Ajie Najmuddin (NU Online)Kunjungi Sumber MMN)(Mohon saya izin repost sebelumnya)
Subhanallah. Masihkah kita dapat tak mencinta dan merindu pada baginda Rasulullah yang amat menyayangi umatnya ini? Hingga sakaratul maut pun beliau masih merindu dan memikirkan kita! Sebagai umat Islam, jadilah umat yang baik, sedari kita belum lahir pun Rasulullah sudah mendoakan kita! Kini Rasulullah telah bersama Allah(Allahu 'alam). Buatlah beliau bangga dan asal kita tahu saja, Rasulullah sangat menyayangi kita! Sebarkanlah, insya Allah berkah dan manfaat. Kiranya hanya ini yang dapat saya post. Akhirukalam, Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
    May Allah forever guide us to the right path. Amin.

Minggu, 16 Maret 2014

Amalan Dzikir yang disukai Allah-The Best Praises

Second post! Nah, I will post good article for us, Muslimin and Muslimah :) Before that I wanna say praise and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the universe. It is because od His Guidance . And may blessings and prayers be upon Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companions and his followers.
These are the sentences that Allah SWT favored. Do you know? Wanna know? Let's check this out!

Dzikir or dzikr(praises) is the sentence that we say to praise Allah, the Lord of the universe. When we are praying, ask something or grateful to Allah or maybe begged forgiveness for our mistakes be better if we add praises there. ^^. There are so many kind of praises that Islam have, right? But I just will give the example, that example is the best of praises. It is much hoped that this article can help the reader. Hehe, so, without lip service, let's check the hadits ^^

"Samurah bin Jundub berkata, Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Ada empat kalimat yang paling disukai Allah: ’subhanallah, wal hamdulillaah, wa laa ilaaha illallaah, wallaahu akbar’ (mahasuci Allah, dan segala puji bagi Allah, serta tidak ada tuhan selain Allah, dan Allah Maha Agung), maka kamu tidak akan diganggu apapun, dengan kalimat mana saja kamu memulainya” (HR. Muslim).
Samurah bin Jundub said, Rasulullah Saw. said: "There are four senteces that Allah really like: Subhanallah, wal Hamdulillah, wa Laa ilaaha illallaah, wallaahu akbar, so you not will get disturb by everything, with any sentence do you want to begin" (Reported by Muslim)

 “Abu Dzar berkata, Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Kalimat yang paling disukai oleh Allah adalah: ’subhaanallaah wabihamdih’ (mahasuci Allah dan dengan segala pujian kepadaNya)”. Dalam riwayat lain dikatakan: Rasulullah saw ditanya: “Kalimat apa yang paling baik?” Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Kalimat yang Allah pilihkan untuk para malaikat dan hambaNya, yaitu ’subhaanallaah wabihamdih’ (mahasuci Allah dan dengan segala pujian kepadaNya)” (HR. Muslim).
"Abu Dzar said, Rasulullah Saw said: "The most favored sentence by Allah are: ' Subhanallah wabihamdih'
in another narration(history) that be told: Rasulullah Saw asked with: "What is the best sentence?" Rasulullah said: "Sentence that Allah choose for His Angels and His peoples are 'Subhanallah wabihamdih' (Reported by Muslim)

“Jabir bin Abdullah berkata: “Saya mendengar Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Sebaik-baik bacaan dzikir adalah: Laa ilaaha illallaah (tidak ada Tuhan selain Allah). Dan sebaik-baik dua adalah: alhamdulillaah (segala puji bagi Allah)” (HR. Turmudzi dan Imam Turmudzi berkata: “Haditsnya Hasan Gharib”).
 "Jabir bin Abdullah said: "I heard Rasulullah said: "The best dzikir sentence is: Laa ilaaha illallaah(there's none worthy of worship except Allah). And the second of best is: Alhamdulillah(Praise be to Allah)" (Reported by Turmudzi and Imam Turmudzi said: "Hasan Gharib's hadits").

“Dari Abu Hurairah, bahwasannya Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Barangsiapa yang mengatakan (berdzikir): ‘Laa ilaaha illallaah wahdahu laa syariika lah, lahul mulku walahul hamdu wa huwa ‘alaa kulli syaiing qadiir’ (tidak ada tuhan selain Allah, Tuhan yang satu, tidak ada sekutu bagiNya, bagiNya seluruh kekuasaan, dan bagiNya juga seluruh pujian, Dia Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu), setiap harinya seratus kali, maka pahalanya sama dengan membebaskan sepuluh orang budak belian, serta akan dicatat seratus kebaikan, dihapuskan seratus kesalahan, serta akan terjaga dari gangguan setan pada hari itu sampai waktu sore tiba. Tidak ada satu orang pun yang dapat melebihi pahala dan kebaikannya, kecuali orang yang membacanya lebih dari itu (lebih dari seratus). Barangsiapa yang membaca ’subhaanallaah wabihamdih’ (mahasuci Allah dan dengan segala pujian kepadaNya), setiap hari seratus kali, maka kesalahan-kesalahannya akan dihapuskan sekalipun kesalahan-kesalahannya itu sebanyak buih lautan” (HR. Bukhari Muslim).
"From Abu Hurairah, said that Rasulullah Saw said: "Whoever says(dzikir): 'Laa ilaaha illallaah wahdahu laa syariikalah, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa huwa 'alaa kulli syai ing qadiir', everyday one hundred times, the rewards equal rid the ten serfs, and will noted one hundred kindness, abolished one hundred mistakes and will be awake from syaitan's harassment in that day untill afternoon arrived. No one can surpass the reward and kindness, except people who read over than one hundred. Whoever  reads(says dzikir:) 'Subhanallah wabihamdih' one hundred times every day, then that people's mistakes will be deleted even if that mistakes are as much as sea froth" (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).

“Dari Abu Ayyub al-Anshari, Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Barangsiapa yang membaca: ‘Laa ilaaha illallaah wahdahu laa syariika lah, lahul mulku walahul hamdu wa huwa ‘alaa kulli syaiing qadiir’ (tidak ada tuhan selain Allah, Tuhan yang satu, tidak ada sekutu bagiNya, bagiNya seluruh kekuasaan, dan bagiNya juga seluruh pujian, Dia Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu), sebanyak sepuluh kali, maka pahalanya sama dengan orang yang membebaskan empat orang dari keturunan Isma’il” (HR. Bukhari Muslim).
"From Abu Ayyub al-Anshari, Rasulullah Saw said: "Whoever says: 'Laa ilaaha illallaah wahdahu laa syariikalah, lahul mulku walahul hamdu wa huwa 'alaa kulli syai ingqadiir' ten times, then the reward equal people who rid the four people from Isma'il generation" (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim)

“Abu Hurairah berkata, Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Ada dua kalimat yang ringan apabila diucapkan, akan tetapi sangat berat timbangan kebaikannya dan sangat disukai oleh Allah yang Maha Pengasih: ’subhaanallaah wabihamdihi subhaanallaahil azhiim, (mahasuci Allah dan dengan segala pujian kepadaNya, maha suci Allah yang Maha Agung,)” (HR. Bukhari Muslim)
Abu Hurairah said, Rasulullah said: " There are two light sentence but very weight that people's kindness scales and highly favored by Allah the Most Gracious, that's: subhaanallaah wabihamdihi subhaanallaahil azhiim" (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim)

“Abu Hurairah berkata, Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Barang siapa yang membaca (berdzikir) ketika pagi dan sore hari: ‘Subhaanallaah wa bihamdih’ (Mahasuci Allah dan dengan segala pujian kepadaNya) sebanyak seratus kali, ia akan datang pada hari kiamat dengan membawa (pahala kebaikan) yang melebihi apa yang dibawa orang lain. Kecuali apabila orang lain tersebut juga mengatakan sebanyak itu, atau lebih banyak lagi dari itu” (HR. Muslim).
"Abu Hurairah said, Rasulullah Saw said: "Whoever reads dhikr  during morning and afternoon: 'Subhaanallaah wa bihamdih’ one hundred times, she/he will come on the Day of Judgment, brought (kindness reward) exceeds than other people carried. Except if that other people also said as much as he/she did, or more than it" (Reported by Muslim).

“Abu Hurairah berkata, Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Aku berdzikir dengan membaca: ’subhanallah, wal hamdulillaah, wa laa ilaaha illallaah, wallaahu akbar’ (Mahasuci Allah, dan segala puji bagi Allah, serta tidak ada tuhan selain Allah, dan Allah Maha Agung), lebih aku sukai dari pada terbitnya matahari” (HR. Muslim).
"Abu Hurairah said, Rasulullah Saw said: "I do the dhikr like: 'Subhanallah, wal hamdulillah, wa laa ilaaha illallaah, wallahu akbar', more I prefer than sun-up" (Reported by Muslim). 

"Sa’ad bin Abi Waqash berkata: ‘Suatu hari ia berada di samping Rasulullah saw yang sedang bersabda: “Apakah kalian merasa berat untuk melakukan seribu kebaikan setiap hari?” Salah seorang sahabat bertanya: “Bagaimana caranya kami dapat melakukan seribu kebaikan tersebut?” Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Membaca tasbih (bacaan subhaanallaah, mahasuci Allah) sebanyak seratus kali, maka pahalanya sama dengan melakukan seribu kebaikan, atau Allah akan menghapuskan seribu kesalahannya”
Sa'ad bin Abi Waqash said: "One day when he's beside Rasulullah Saw that he is says: "Do you feel hard to do a one thousand kindness everyday?" one of the companions asks: "How can we do that one thousand kindness?" Rasulullah Saw said: "saying the Subhanallah untill one hundred, then the reward equal to do a thousand kindness or Allah will delete a thousand mistakes" 

Thats all, thank you very much and please be kind to write your comment, critic or your suggestion after this to fix this article. Because I'm just a human who has many mistakes on it.

May Allah forever guide us to the right path. Amin

Sabtu, 15 Maret 2014

Maher Zain- Barakallah hu Lakuma lyric

Assalamu'alaikum! This is my first post, right? I'm beginner, hehe. SO, do you know Maher Zain?(-_-) And his song Barakallah? I really like it you know?^^ Okay, if you don't know you can download this song by click this. And this is the lyric :)

We’re here on this special day
Our hearts are full of pleasure
A day that brings the two of you
Close together
We’re gathered here to celebrate
A moment you’ll always treasure
We ask Allah to make your love last forever
Let’s raise our hands and make Du’a like the Prophet taught us
And with one voice
Let’s all say, say, say
Barakallah hu lakuma wa baraka 'alaikuma wa jamaah baina kuma fii khair
Barakallah hu lakuma wa baraka 'alaikuma wa jamaah baina kuma fii khair

From now you’ll share all your chores
Through heart-ship to support each other
Together worshipping Allah
Seeking His pleasure

We pray that He will fill your life with happiness and blessings
And grants your kids who make your home filled with laughter
Let’s raise our hands and make Du'a like the Prophet taught us
And with one voice
Let’s all say, say, say

Barakallah hu lakuma wa baraka 'alaikuma wa jamaah baina kuma fii khair
Barakallah hu lakuma wa baraka 'alaikuma wa jamaah baina kuma fii khair.
Barakallah, barakallah, barakallah, barakallah
Barakallahu lakum wa lanaa, barakallahu lakum wa lanaa
Allah baarik lahuma
Allah adm hubbahuma
Allah sholli wa sallim 'alaa rosulillah
Allah tuba 'alaina
Allah irdho 'anna
Allah ihdi khutlonaa
'Aala sunnat Nabiynaa
Let’s raise our hands and make Du’a
Like the Prophet taught us
And with one voice
Let’s all say, say, say

Barakallah hu lakuma wa baraka 'alaikuma wa jamaah baina kuma fii khair
Barakallah hu lakuma wa baraka 'alaikuma wa jamaah baina kuma fii khair
Barakallah hu lakuma wa baraka 'alaikuma wa jamaah baina kuma fii khair
Barakallah hu lakuma wa baraka 'alaikuma wa jamaah baina kuma fii khair.

Thank you for visit and sorry for the mistakes. Comment if there's many incorrect :)ا